Daily Meeting Report
521 attendees checked in so far!
IPv6 Working Group – Session II
The second IPv6 Working Group (WG) session focussed on IPv6 measurements. Vaibhav Bajpai, one of the RIPE Academic Cooperation Initiative (RACI) participants, shared his PhD work: “Measuring the Effectiveness of Happy Eyeballs”. Vesna Manojlovic, RIPE NCC, presented the first results of the fifth star for IPv6 RIPEness which were recently published on RIPE Labs. This initiative was welcomed and supported by the WG participants.
The session ended with five panellists from various organisations and backgrounds discussing whether the IPv6 measurements done today are sufficient and if other measurements and initiatives should be done in order to follow progress and to further promote IPv6 deployment.
EIX WG – Sessions I and II
Eileen Gallagher, INEX , began the session with “IXP Peering Landscape in Ireland” followed by Bartek Raszczyk, LINX, with “The LINX Juniper 100G Network Deployment & Extreme VPLS Introduction”, then Thomas O’Sullivan, AMS-IX, with “AMS-IX’s GRX and IPX” and Greg Hankins, Brocade, “400 GbE, a Lightning Talk”. The final presentation of the day was “The Open-IX Project” by Dave Temkin, Netflix Luxembourg, and Martin Hannigan, Akamai Technologies. EIX continued after the lunchbreak with a series of updates from Internet exchanges.
Cooperation Working Group

(c) 2013 Olaf Kolkman (Licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution 3.0 Unported)
The Cooperation Working Group session kicked off with Co-Chair Patrik Fältström donning a blue helmet, following the example of the ITU Secretary General’s example in Geneva this week. The packed agenda started with a report from the RIPE NCC on subjects including the ongoing ITU World Telecommunications/ICT Forum and the RIRs’ engagement there.
Andrea Servida of the European Commission sparked intense discussion with his presentation on proposed EU regulation regarding electronic identification and trust services, while Michele Neylon (Blacknight Solutions) led a discussion of the state of public/private cooperation in the Irish Internet sector.
Anti-Abuse Working Group
There was a short discussion on the charter of the Working Group, which will be continued on the list. Denis Walker, RIPE NCC, gave an update on the implementation of abuse-c: in the RIPE Database. Brian Nisbet, AAWG Co-Chair gave an update on the interaction with other RIPE Working Groups, especially the Database Working Group. Marco Hogewoning, RIPE NCC, gave a short presentation, “Outreach to Law Enforcement”. This was followed by a presentation delivered by Richard Leaning on the European Cybercrime Centre (EC3). There were a lot of comments and questions for Richard and the participants were very pleased to see someone from a law enforcement agency present in the AAWG (without a suit on). The session was concluded by a presentation from Michele Neylon, Blacknight, about the risks of buying cheap pharmaceuticals online.
Routing Working Group
The session started off with a presentation from APNIC’s George Michaelson, outlining some of the Route Object creation issues that users and RIR staff are facing today. In addition, he asked the room for feedback on how to converge the RPKI data set and the IRR data, in order to make user management easier. There was a lively debate on how to move forward with these topics. This was followed by at presentation from Christian Martin, Cisco, on segment routing, after which Gunther van de Velde, Cisco, offered his views on the BGP Remote Next-Hop Attribute as well as a DDoS Mitigation methodology he has running in his lab. Before closing the session, Daniel Karrenberg, RIPE NCC, asked the room for feedback on how to move forward with alternatives with the IPv6 Darknet Routing experiment.
Measurements Analysis and Tools (MAT) Working Group
The MAT Working Group unveiled a number of measurement tools and projects that received a lot of positive feedback. Christian Kaufmann, RIPE NCC Executive Board, asked about the usefulness of his master’s thesis on differences in network latency between IPv4 and IPv6, using the RIPE Atlas network to collect data (luckily for him, the crowd gave a thumbs up!). Trevor Burbridge, BT, discussed an initiative to develop a large-scale broadband measurement system and presented on various activities within the IETF, Broadband Forum and EU Leone project. Vesna Manojlovic, RIPE NCC, gave an update on the latest features and functionality in RIPEstat and RIPE Atlas, and Massimo Candela from Roma Tre University earned a round of applause after showcasing the newly revamped and much loved BGPlay tool, now available via RIPEstat.
OpenSource BoF
This BoF was a successful dry run for a potential future RIPE Working Group, with a panel discussion aimed at developers, ISPs and other RIPE community members about open source projects related to the RIPE community. The future of this BoF as a Working Group will be discussed on the mailing list.
RIPE Atlas Community BoF
RIPE Atlas probe hosts, sponsors and ambassadors met to discuss the future development of the RIPE NCC’s global Internet active measurements network – and to get their cool RIPE Atlas t-shirts!
RIPE 66 Dinner at the Guinness Storehouse
The sold-out social event was a big success. Guests enjoyed a tasty buffet dinner, drinks and a night of entertainment. Oh, and did we mention the Guinness? Many thanks to the sponsor, GCCIX!